ESTIME-Stim, known fully as Electrical Stimulation, is a modality used by many different types of health care providers. You may have heard of a TENS unit. This concept is very similar to that of E-Stim. TENS units are often found in Physical therapy or Chiropractic offices, you can even buy them over the counter at most drugstores. The main difference between E-Stim done during an acupuncture session and a TENS unit is the way in which the electrical current is applied to the body. During an acupuncture session, the small electrodes are attached to needles which are inserted to just below the cutaneous layer. This allows the current to flow easily past the barrier of the skin and towards the other needle which is hooked up to the second electrode.
From a Biomedical perspective, Electrical stimulation can benefit the body systemically as well as locally. Systemically, E-Stim promotes endorphin release at the level of the hypothalamus. The release of endorphins helps to block pain signals to the brain. Locally, sending an alternating electrical current through tissues helps reduce pain and swelling as well as support electrolyte transfer through cell membranes. Some of the most propelling findings on the benefit of electricity’s influence on the body has been done by Robert O. Becker, M.D. He writes about his findings in his book The Body Electric. Often when there is an injury to the body, the injured tissues loose some of their electrical potentials and become “undercharged” or metabolically sluggish. Because of increased fluid in the injured area, the injured area provides a greater conductive medium for electrical currents. According to Becker, Healing takes place when a continuous current is applied to the perineural cells (the cells surrounding neurons).
From a Traditional Chinese medicine perspective, whenever there is pain in the body, there is stagnation of energy. Conversely, whenever there is a stagnation of energy, there will be pain. E-Stim creates movement within the body and directs stuck Qi to move from an area of excess to an area of deficiency, creating balance.
In our clinic, you will always be informed of and asked to consent to E-Stim treatment before it is applied. The intensity will be turned up very slowly so that you will first feel a “gentle tickle or buzz” of stimulation before it becomes strong. By staying in close communication, your practitioner is able to find the right level of intensity to either help with pain reduction or tissue healing. Depending on the goals of the treatment, you may feel very little from the E-Stim current, or you may get enough of a stimulation that your muscles twitch with the electrical impulse. |