In traditional Chinese medicine, health is about balance and harmony. When balance resides internally, it is reflected externally and can be observed as vibrant and glowing skin. With multiple Acupuncture for Skin Vitality sessions it is our goal to help promote balance internally so that you can put your best face forward every day. Acupuncture needles are incredibly thin, sterile tools which initiate the healing process at the level of the dermis. The body sends cells called fibroblasts to the area of needle insertion where their job is to create collagen and elastin fibers, giving the skin improved strength and elasticity as well as increasing circulation all of which results in a vibrant appearance. And, just because we're focusing on your face, it doesn't mean that the effects won't be systemic. Your practitioner will use pulse and tongue diagnosis to address your body as a whole system and help create balance for your entire being.
We have a passion for skin health based on our personal experience with acne, dermatitis, skin dryness, and hyper-sensitivity. As our skin ages, we are strongly motivated to use acupuncture and nourishing products to achieve a more graceful skin aging experience. We know how changes in the skin can set the tone for the day and affect everything from self-confidence, to mood, to overall energy. We offer this work free of judgement and always with compassion and understanding.
In a Treatment: During these visits you can expect to have acupuncture needles inserted into points located on the extremities as well as points on the face. The treatment typically begins with needle insertion and 15-20 minutes of relaxing while the needles work. We can also discuss, diet, lifestyle, and exercise adjustments that may help support the vitality of your skin. We don't use products on the skin.
What can Acupuncture for Skin Vitality do for me? Patients can report changes like a visible decrease in wrinkles, evened skin tone, a reduction in blemishes, and overall increased hydration or a decrease in dry spots.
How many treatments should I receive? We strongly recommend 10 treatments, this is the standard protocol in the skin rejuvenation world. Acupuncture in general is most effective with a series of treatments, the intention of this medicine is to make lasting changes, which takes time. Skin Vitality treatments may include herbal consultations and dietary and lifestyle guidance as needed.
Is it painful to have needles inserted in the face? For some it's sensation-less, others can feel a slight prick upon insertion. Overall, it's not much of a different experience than acupuncture on the body.
Will any products be used on my face? No. And we don't have one specific product line that we promote. We would love to offer suggestions and answer to the best of our abilities questions about products. Please email or call with any questions you may have.